Healthy Binge is a Pune-based startup founded by cousins and brothers, Pranav Korke and Karan Korke in 2021. In India, a lot of people eat fast food, which has become very popular and created a big industry worth 50000 crore rupees. People of all ages enjoy snacking a lot. To help people eat healthier snacks, a company called Healthy Binge started making snacks using ingredients like jowar, bajra, millets, ragi, and quinoa in the year 2021. They have already distributed more than 13 lakh packets of their snacks. You can find their snacks on 15 different platforms such as Amazon, Flipkart, Big Basket, and their own website. The Healthy Binge brand offers a variety of flavors like Masala, Cheese, BBQ, Chaat, Cajun, and Salted Caramel in their snacks. They have different products like Ragi Crispies, Moringa Jowar Crispies, Amaranth Crispies, Quinoa Crispies, Jowar Crispies, and Multigrain Namkeen Mix in their range of healthy snacks.