In October 2017, EazyDiner had gathered Rs 41 crore in a new round of investment led by Deepak Shahdadpuri-led DSG consumer partners and saama capital, with two new investors. The series B equity funding round marks the company at about Rs 280 crore. EazyDiner is now running in Dubai as well.
“Indian restaurants’ dining scene has been cultivating every year. EazyDiner is a play on India’s expanding the dining industry and food and beverage utilization out of residence,” Chopra said.
In 2018, EazyDiner introduced the country’s exclusive and hottest dining program. In partnership with American Express, the reservation platform prime features over 400+ of country’s best restaurants, curated based on users review and feedback.
Currently, EazyDiner is available in more than 93 Indian cities such as Delhi NCR, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata, Pune, Goa, Ahmadabad, Hyderabad, Chandigarh, Lucknow, and also in Dubai. The application consists of more than 6000 restaurants reviews and table reservations within 18 seconds.
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