Initially, the co-founders proposed to invest Rs. 60 lakhs for a 1% stake, valuing the company at Rs. 60 crores. However, Peyush Bansal, CEO of Lenskart, and Ronnie Screwvala, co-founder of upGrad, combined their offer to invest Rs. 60 lakhs for a 10% stake. Aman Gupta, CMO and co-founder of boAt, initially offered Rs. 60 lakhs for a 4% stake, but later reduced it to 3%. After several rounds of negotiations and counter-offers, the deal was finalized with Peyush and Ronnie investing Rs. 60 lakhs for a 6% stake. The co-founders were thrilled to discover that their vision of reaching every school, college, and library in both India and abroad with Kibo aligned with the sharks’ vision. Securing the deal was a positive experience for the co-founders, giving them an optimistic outlook for their company, as stated by Akshita.