As of March 2023, Vedantu reported a net current asset of Rs 299 crore, inclusive of cash and bank balances totaling Rs 39 crore. Established in 2011 by Vamsi Krishna, Anand Prakash, and Pulkit Jain, Vedantu achieved unicorn status in 2021 after securing a $100 million Series E investment led by Singapore’s ABC World Asia. The startup has garnered a cumulative funding of $328 million through 20 funding rounds.
Vedantu, the Bengaluru-based edtech startup, faced a 7.8% decline in operational revenue in FY23, but significantly reduced its losses by 46.4%. While online tutoring remained the primary revenue source, the company diversified into book sales, hostel fees, and e-learning projects. Cost-cutting measures, including a 35.8% decrease in employee benefit costs, helped improve profitability, though challenges remain in terms of ROCE and EBITDA margins. Vedantu’s journey from a startup to a unicorn, backed by $328 million in funding, highlights its evolving business model and diversification efforts.