. In the same move in December Nasper contributed $176.6 Million through 1.59 lakh Series F CCCPS priced at Rs 77,595.05 each. During December valuation of the firm was $3.49 Billion. Soon after an investment of Nasper next day CPP Investments fueled Rs 886.43 crore while purchasing 1.14 lakh shares of the very class but each at a price of Rs 77,868.09, upgrading the valuation of the firm to $3.5 billion.
Recently in the first week of March General Atlantic invested Rs 33.29 crore scoring 4,000 shares at Rs 82,882.5 each. This funding has enhanced valuation to $3.73 Million. In the same series, Tancent has recently invested Rs 173.24 crore in 15,187 shares at a price of Rs 1,14,060.98 each.
Now with these funds, the post-money valuation of the company has attained over $5 Billion. It is expected that with the closing of series F funding round the valuation of the company will hike to $6 Billion.
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