The IPO is scheduled to end on August 6 after opening on August 2. With a face value of Rs 10, the price range for the shares has been established at Rs 72–Rs 76 per equity share.
An impressive 35% of subscribers signed up for the IPO on the first day of bidding. Before the IPO subscription started, significant investors contributed Rs 2,763 crore.
Since its founding in 2017, Ola Electric has grown to be a significant player in the electric vehicle (EV) market. At its state-of-the-art Ola Futurefactory, the company focuses in producing electric vehicles and necessary components.
Ola Electric has considerably increased the scope of its product offering since its founding. The Ola S1 Pro was the company’s first electric car model, released in December 2021. Since then, the Ola S1, Ola S1 Air, Ola S1 X, and Ola S1 X+ have all been released.