Pocket FM Collaborates with ElevenLabs to Introduce AI Audio Series

ElevenLabs and Pocket FM team up for AI Audio Series debut

Three points you will get to know in this article:

  • Pocket FM and ElevenLabs partner for AI Audio Series to transform storytelling.
  • Diverse voices and genres expand content library and reach.
  • Collaboration boosts efficiency, increasing content tenfold at lower costs.

Ease of Storytelling with AI Audio Series

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Pocket FM, an audio entertainment platform, has collaborated with ElevenLabs, an AI voice cloning startup, to introduce a new feature named AI Audio Series. This innovative tool enables writers to effortlessly transform their stories into audio series with a single click. The initiative aims to significantly expand Pocket FM’s content library within a year and to penetrate new markets across Europe and Latin America. According to co-founder Prateek Dixit, “This advancement not only empowers the writing community but also streamlines audio series creation, thereby democratizing storytelling.”

Diverse Voices and Genres

The AI Audio Series feature will be accessible in Hindi and English. To initiate the process, writers can proceed to the ‘Write’ tab within the Pocket FM app and opt for the ‘Series’ feature. Once they reach a specified word count, writers can transform their narratives into audio series, selecting from approximately 50 distinct voices and accompanying background music. These voices span both genders and encompass diverse genres including romance, drama, fantasy, and horror. Pocket FM aims to introduce additional voices over time to enrich the diversity and caliber of content available.

The collaboration with ElevenLabs has dramatically enhanced Pocket FM’s production efficiency. As Dixit mentioned, the AI capabilities have empowered the company to generate over ten times the amount of content they used to, while slashing production time and costs by 90%. “We can now produce more than ten times the content we previously could, maintaining the same quality,” Dixit noted. This advancement allows Pocket FM to create 2.5 to 3 hours of content per show each day, a substantial increase from the previous 30 minutes. Mati Staniszewski, Chief Executive of ElevenLabs, remarked, “By integrating our Voice AI technology with Pocket FM’s audio series strategy, we are set to elevate content production to unprecedented levels of efficiency and creativity.”

AI-Powered Market Penetration

The introduction of this new feature is anticipated to greatly expedite Pocket FM’s entry into new markets, with a particular focus on Germany and France. Dixit highlighted that the primary obstacle in these regions had been the pace of content creation. “Now, with AI assistance, we can roll out content in these markets much more quickly, reducing the go-to-market time compared to before,” he stated. The startup, which secured $103 million in Series D funding in March 2024, plans to use this technology to strengthen its competitive position and enhance its global content offerings.


Pocket FM collaborates with ElevenLabs to introduce the AI Audio Series, simplifying audio series creation for writers. The feature offers diverse voices and genres, boosting content library expansion and market penetration in Europe and Latin America. The collaboration significantly enhances production efficiency, allowing for over ten times more content generation at reduced costs. This advancement enables Pocket FM to create 2.5 to 3 hours of content daily. The AI innovation strengthens the startup’s competitive edge, facilitating swift entry into new markets like Germany and France, backed by recent Series D funding.

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