When Gurgaon based online food delivery platform Zomato lauded the efforts of their delivery boys by sharing their stories.

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Key Highlights

The brand currently has over 1.8 lakh delivery agents who deliver food across 250 cities in India.

In this initiative, the food delivery platform dug deep into the personal data of their delivery partners in a bid to understand them better.

They aimed to understand their goals and aspirations like what they would like to do in life, something they would like to own.

The online food and delivery market in India is booming. The sector is expected to hit the $17.2 billion mark by 2023. The variety offered and the ease of use is what has made online food delivery so popular in India. Everything is now available via a click on your smartphone. There is no need for physically visiting a restaurant for trying out your favourite dishes. Everything is delivered to you within 30 minutes at your doorstep.

This boom in the sector has also helped delivery partners grow. They provide much needed logistics support to companies like Zomato and Swiggy, without which they won’t even be having a business. The brand currently has over 1.8 lakh delivery agents who deliver food across 250 cities in India.

Each time food is ordered by a customer, the parcel is delivered by a delivery agent in their iconic red t-shirt. The efficient services provided by these agents is what has helped Zomato grow leaps and bounds. After all who would like to use a food delivery app if their order isn’t delivered on time or is mishandled? However, the food delivery giant took to a blog post saying that they feel they haven’t been doing enough to acknowledge the hard work done by these employees and launched an initiative to take steps to laud them.

In this initiative, the food delivery platform dug deep into the personal data of their delivery partners in a bid to understand them better. They aimed to understand their goals and aspirations like what they would like to do in life, something they would like to own.

This initiative found that it is the dream of almost 52% of their fleet to be owners of a car someday. 16% of them want their own house. 5% would like to own their own motorcycle instead of using borrowed/rented ones. Whereas 4% of them would like to travel abroad someday.  

Apart from this, the average age of their fleet was found to be 25 years. Hence it isn’t uncommon to see delivery agents mostly in their 20s. Of these agents, only 37% have completed their 10th STD, 20% have completed 12th STD, 19th of them were found to be undergrads whereas 4% of them held a post-grad degree. 15% of the fleet still wishes that they could finish their education. Many of them are pursuing their education via long distance or part-time. These figures tell us what importance education places on young minds and how this profession is being used as a stepping stone towards their goals.

Almost 83% of the delivery personnel are the sole breadwinners of their household. Family dependency rates are higher in tier 3 cities and tier 2 cities. Only 1% of their fleet is comprised of females. The brand is actively working to attract more female employees.

Zomato shared all of the inspirational stories of their delivery agents in an effort to acknowledge the efforts made by these delivery agents and humanize them. They wish their customers would see them more as real people than just some guy in a red t-shirt delivering their food.  

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