The inspiring story of Preetisha who is India’s first Trans Uber eats delivery agent.

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Key Highlights

Preetisha was born in Tamilnadu and at the age of 14 she decided to embrace her true identity.

She was keenly interested in acting and got parts in a few tamil movies and documentaries. However, the work was scare and Preetisha soon had to look for other means of supporting her livelihood

First, she had applied to work as a delivery agent with another food deliverly company. However, she was rejected due to her gender identity. Finally,she applied for a job as a delivery agent for Uber eats and was successfully hired.

Social and familial acceptance isn’t easy in India for many transgender people. They are activity discriminated upon on the basis of their gender identity, lifestyle choice and the general prejudice of the people in society. Some of them even face violence at the hands of ignorant people. However, despite all these difficulties, Trans people still prevail. They are actively fighting for the right now just to exist but to live. Many of the Trans people have difficulty finding jobs to support their living due to their gender identity. Uber India has supported trans people by welcoming them and offering them jobs. One such an inspiring story is of Preetisha who is the first transwomen hired by Uber as a delivery partner.

Preetisha was born in Tamilnadu and at the age of 14, she decided to embrace her true identity. The transgender community in Tamilnadu helped her travel to Pune, where she underwent the gender affirmation surgical procedure. She wanted to live her life by being as true to herself as she could. However, this was just the start of a long and hard journey for Preetisha.

Her family rejected her life choices. She had no option but to move to Delhi and live off the earnings she made by offering Badhai at various events. Even though she enjoyed the song and dance part of this job, she didn’t like convincing people to give her money against their will. She quit performing and moved to Chennai to try her luck with acting. She was keenly interested in acting and got parts in few Tamil movies and documentaries. However, the work was scare and Preetisha soon had to look for other means of supporting her livelihood.

First, she had applied to work as a delivery agent with another food deliverly company. However, she was rejected due to her gender identity. Finally, she applied for a job as a delivery agent for Uber eats and was successfully hired. She has been working with the company for about one and a half years now. Speaking about her experience of working for Uber, she said, the company and the team has really supported her. She works 7-8 hrs as a delivery agent for the company. Most of the customers that she delivers orders to are really supportive of the work that she has been doing. There have been rude customers that every delivery agent has to deal with but apart from that she can happily say that she hasn’t faced any discrimination.

Preetisha further pushed for companies to give fair and equal chance to Transgender applications. She believes if large co-corporations start supporting the community, they might slowly earn the respect they deserve in the community. Smaller businesses might also follow the footsteps of these larger companies and open their doors to transgender people as well

Uber has been actively working for creating job opportunities for the LGBTQ community and developing an inclusive work environment for them. They recently sponsored the RISE LGBTQI job fair in Chennai which helped the members of the LGBTQI community who are seeking jobs to connect with inclusive and diverse companies

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Rajat Mehrotra

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