In the world of personalized furniture, getting all those amazing pieces together – from the comfy chairs to the dazzling decor – made up a hefty 62.7% of what we spent. And as our business grew bigger, so did that expense, shooting up by a whopping 46.4% to reach Rs 123 crore in FY23.
But hey, that’s not all! We’ve got our wonderful team, the rent for our awesome space, making sure folks know about us through ads, handling bank stuff, keeping the lights on, taking care of legal bits, and all those other costs that come with running a business. And all of those added up to a grand total of Rs 196 crore in FY23, leaping up by 50.8% from Rs 130 crore in FY22.
In the world of personalized furniture, getting all those amazing pieces together – from the comfy chairs to the dazzling decor – made up a hefty 62.7% of what we spent. And as our business grew bigger, so did that expense, shooting up by a whopping 46.4% to reach Rs 123 crore in FY23.
But hey, that’s not all! We’ve got our wonderful team, the rent for our awesome space, making sure folks know about us through ads, handling bank stuff, keeping the lights on, taking care of legal bits, and all those other costs that come with running a business. And all of those added up to a grand total of Rs 196 crore in FY23, leaping up by 50.8% from Rs 130 crore in FY22.