Ixigo helps to search, compare and select the best flights, cabs, hotels, buses, trains and make a good deal and choose the right packages. The Gurugram based company has a wide range of services and has over 100 million travelers. Ixigo’s tagline ‘Know & Go’, suggest users have some background information before you travel anywhere. Ixigo apps are also available in other transports as well, such as bus, train and flight booking. They provide ample information about the destination before booking itself.
Ixigo differs from every other when it comes to the business model. Unlike other websites Ixigo does not book tickets directly, instead, they guide to book tickets straight from the provider. That makes ixigo to stand apart from its competitors like Makemytrip, skyscanner, and momondo. Ixigo makes most of its earnings through margin paid by the hotel, airline or supplier. More than 2000 airline tickets are booked daily on Ixigo and almost 500 hotels booking per day.